Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Future of the Rolling Hills Golf Club.  On April 26th 2016 Seminole County had a meeting at Altamonte Springs Elementary School. 

Seminole County Website. CLICK HERE

Time has come for a change.  Now is the time to express your option. Seminole County wants you option before May 4th about making Rolling Hills Golf Course into a park.  Take time out today to take the survey below...

There is also a Survey that we EVERYONE in Seminole County should take, voicing your opinion matters. 

To take the survey on Survey Monkey...  CLICK HERE

Statement from Seminole County on Survey Money below...

"In 2004, Seminole County entered into a grant agreement with the Florida Communities Trust (FCT) for the acquisition of the Jetta Point Property, located at the southwest corner of State Road 434 and State Road 417  in Winter Springs.  As Seminole County moved forward with development plans for Jetta Point, it became apparent that several of the purposes for acquiring the site had already been met by other park properties adjacent to Jetta Point, or could not be met due to the size, natural communities, and lack of expansion opportunities on the property.  Specifically, the Cross Seminole Trail is well served by an existing trailhead and ample parking adjacent to the property.  Additionally, the need for a larger sports facility than could be supported by this site was identified by a needs index survey.  After discussions with the surrounding local governments, elected officials, and the community, the determination was made to forgo development plans for Jetta Point and seek  conversion of the commitments made to the FCT to another, more suitable property."  

Till the next update!

Your friends at Team Beacon
Janet Lynn 407-314-6198 Barbara Eads 321-236-8011